Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ruffled Canvas Totes

I made these for teacher appreciation day. I love how the turned out, the pictures don't really show just how cute they are! Comes in sizes small (11x13), medium (14x17), and large (15x18).

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cloth Napkins

I whipped these up the other day and forgot to share. We recently ran out of paper towls in our home and being the frugal type person that I am decided to invest in some cloth napkins.. however the ones I found locally are either ugly or overpriced! So I went to the local thrift store (we only have Walmart, boooo) and purchased some discounted quilters fabric for $2 a yard! (quilters fabric is so much softer than regular cotton). I made 6 cloth napkins out of 1 yard!

A Little Something Green- Ruffled Pillow

Since St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner I thought it was due time to update those Valentine's Day pillows I had made a month ago. While I am not Irish (I am in fact British), I do appreciate the Saint who dedicated his life to serving those in Ireland during his time.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jewelry Frame

I saw this idea and was really excited about organizing some of my jewelry! I usually have knotted up necklaces or I can't find the other matching earing.. but here it's all sweet and simple and easy to find! 

Here is a link to Centsational Girl who inspired me to make this, you can make one too!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Pillow

I saw this cute idea of creating an interchangeable pillow simply by changing out a sash for each season. So I found some pink ribbon and hot glued velcro to the back sides of the ribbon and cut out hearts out of felt, viola!


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